About us

Jess – I am the main writer of this blog, welcome dear friends. I love LARGE amounts of chocolate, a great book, massages and good coffee. You’ll often find me singing and dancing with my kids or laughing at a good meme. I was born and bred in Brisbane, Australia and like a true Queenslander, hate any temperature under 16 degrees celsius (60.8F).

Tim – I love eating triffle, having a good adventure, AFL (excluding Collingwood and Essondon) and Bear Gylls. I love connecting with people from all walks of life and am always keen for a catch-up. I was born in Geelong, Victoria, lived in NZ for 11 years until my folks saw the light and moved to Brisbane, Queensland.

Amy – Is an answer to many years of prayer. She is very creative and can often be found singing a song while working on a craft project.


Bella – This independent one loves to giggle and be held as much as humanly possible. Although Bella loves to make new friends, her favourite person in the world is her Mum.


Kai – Our little man is much loved (and smothered) by his two older sisters and is sure to keep us on our toes as we learn all about little boys. Kai loves his Dad the most out of everyone in the world, but is ready with a wave and smile for anyone else he sees.

After being Church Pastors for 9 years, In April 2012 we felt God ‘shifting’ us from where we were onto something else. However, we didn’t know what that was or when we were meant to do it. Fun times. In July 2013, we finally stumbled across an idea about visiting a few ministries (close to our hearts) that work with people within the tragic sex exploitation and trafficking industry. The idea was to be away for about 18 months and serve and observe wherever God opened the door. The original destinations included USA, Brazil and Thailand, with a little stop over in Turkey between countries. We ended up being away for 7 months and also spent some time in Vietnam. We are so grateful for the time we spent overseas and all we learned. What a special time in our lives!

Tim now works as a Community Development Officer for a large not-for-profit disability organisation, while Jess works as a Wellness Coach at a health and wellness retreat. We both love our paid jobs and are blown away by how we have been placed into these amazing environments that support amazing people.

Moving forward, we’re both passionate about God, the prophetic and seeing people released into their full potential. Obviously we’re SO excited about what is to come and the endless possibilities. In the words of Peter Pan… to live will be an awfully big adventure!

5 thoughts on “About us

  1. We are so excited for you all. I am going to miss you terribly and as I am having one of those pregnant days today I am quite teary about it :). But dont let that make you think i am not happy for you, because I am, it just means I love you all XOXOXOXO

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