A week of firsts by Tim

We’ve been in Brazil just over one week now and during this time we’ve experienced many ‘firsts’. It’s been so exciting trying new foods, meeting new people and immersing ourselves in this new culture. Here are some of the ‘firsts’ we’ve experienced this past week.

First time in a non-speaking country as a family

For Jess and Amy this is their first time in a non-english speaking country. This is also the first time for our whole family together. It’s been intriguing and sometimes challenging but we’re making the most of it. Using lots of non-verbal gestures always makes for lots of laughter and smiles. Lots of the Brazilians we’re hanging out with speak a bit of English so this has helped a lot.

Speaking Portugese

First time trying this amazing drink – Guaraná (gwa-ra-NAH)

A delicious soft drink made from a fruit only found in Brazil! We can’t get enough of it!


Amy’s first hair cut

Thanks to Pri, Amy had her first hair cut! She’s such a cutie and she was so good.

Amy's first hair cut

Açaí (ah-sah-EE) Where have you been all my life! 

YUUUUUMMMM!!!!! A South American fruit that is made into a frozen puree. Amazing with granola, fruit, sweetened condensed milk and just about anything!

First Acai

Jess’ first time speaking with an interpreter

Jess had the great honour of speaking to the girls of Hangar7 at their womens service. This was her first time speaking with a translator, and an amazing translator she was!!!! Thanks Keila for making us sound amazing when we speak. Que?!!!!

Jess speaking

Jess’ first time meeting lots of her friends face-to-face

After my trip to Brazil in 2013 I came back with over 150 new friends on Facebook! Jess also gained some new Facebook friends. Throughout the last year we’ve had many skype and FB conversations with some of these amazing people.

Boaz Skype

Jess has now been able to meet them in person for the first time! It was like they had always known each other!


First time this long away from family…


It’s now 6 weeks since we left Australia. Time has gone so quickly and we think about our home often. This is the first time we’ve been away from family, friends and home this long. But thanks to Skype, Facebook and WhatsApp they’re never to far away!!!

I love Brazil

I do love this place. We’ve had lots of amazing ‘firsts’ already. Plenty more to come I’m sure.


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